To Import Translated Text

This topic explains how to import translated strings from an Excel spreadsheet. Use this method to retain text strings that were from other databases and to retain text strings that YOU had translated (as opposed to translations generated by the RFgen translator -- which is based Google technology).

Text strings and assigned resource ids (TextIds) that were imported will NOT be retranslated when the RFgen Translate button is clicked.

Before you start

A. Setup the Excel template to match the table heading in the Text Resources.

- Import only one translated language at a time. For example, if you have an Excel spreadsheet with five translations, RFgen will only import columns A and B (the first two columns).

- Set Excel Column A heading as "TextId" and your text resource ids to be imported here.

- Set Excel Column B heading as "Translation Text" and list your text strings here.

- The remaining columns will be ignored when you import so no need to setup the Reference Text column.

* Store the Excel file in a folder.

B. In the Dev Studio > Text Resources tree, create a language file to hold your import, but do not save it until after you completed the import. For example, if English will be your base or common language you'll use for all the resource assignments, begin with this language first.

Import Process

1. On the tab for the language file just created in step b above, ensure the Language Id is set to the language to be imported.

For example, Language Id = en-US.

2. In the Tools menu, select Import From Excel.

3. In the pop-up screen select the Excel file to be imported and click Open.

4. The table should be filled with the TextId and Translation Text from the Excel file. At this point, you can now choose to setup this language to be the language that will be used for other translations or start assigning the text ids to control captions, headings etc so that they will appear translated.

5. Click Save.

For more details, see Assigning TextIds to Controls, Translating to other languages in Testing, and Translation Overview.